The preschool year has begun. The giggles have started and the friendships are brewing. Thank you parents for all the support you gave your child and our staff. It led to a smooth transition into preschool this fall. The collection of Elden’s receipts for education has begun. We have a bin at Elden’s labeled First Lutheran Church Community Education. Please help us earn supplies for our preschool by putting your receipt in our basket or sending the receipts with your child to school. Last year we were able to collect over 90,000 points. Our preschool was able to order a 3 way magnifier, playground balls, markers, paint, rainsticks, and the list goes on.

HOMECOMING PARADE  please save Saturday, Oct. 1st to walk and handout goodies in the local homecoming parade. We will have a little trailer for the kids to ride on. Also, bring the family, strollers, and little bikes. The parade is at 11am. We will gather at 10:15am. More information will come home with the kids.