We have had a wonderful start to our new year. Thank you to all you parents that helped make the transitions go well for your preschooler. We have some fun things happening in October. Leila Preston, a licensed Musikgarten teacher will be coming in to provide music classes through April in the 4&5 year old classes. Also, October is fire safety month. On Oct. 12&13 Firefighter Denny will be coming into the 3&4 year classes while the 4&5 year old classes will walk to the fire station. Please look for specific information on your child’s class calendar, found on the calendar page of this website. We are also once again excited to invite families to our Back To School Nights on Oct. 26 &27. This will be a shortened version of our day to show you all the different kinds of things we do at school. Again please find more information in your child’s class calendar. Elden’s has begun collecting receipts for schools. We have a basket labeled First Lutheran Church Education at the store. Simply drop your receipt in the basket or have your child bring them to school and give them to the teachers. Last year we were able to order 4 instruments, crayons, markers, finger paints, glue, and paper. One last note: please check out our playground someday. Kalin Hacker is working toward his Eagle Scout and he pulled a group together to lay down new landscaping material under the rock to cover up the old material that had torn and worked its way to the top. He also had 2 benches made, secured our fire truck, replaced some broken edging and got us a new Community Preschool sign to hang on the church sign by the parking lot. Thank you Kalin and crew!!